How to read the thoughts of the people: to understand the thoughts and feelings expression.

How to read the thoughts of the people: to understand the thoughts and feelings expression.

Learning to read the minds of people is easier than it might seem at first (you can learn more with our randomchat blog!). About how to read the thoughts in the direction of gaze and gestures, posture, behavior mentioned in the article "Find the approach and convincing."

In some cases it is useful and interesting to understand the thoughts, feelings, emotions by facial expression:

1) In everyday life, to understand the thoughts and feelings of little-known or completely unknown people. In a situation that requires quick and correct response, and as you already know, emotional intelligence, i.e., understanding and responding to the feelings and emotions of another person, by understanding their thoughts and feelings, is even more important to success than classical IQ.

2) Young people are at the stage of dating and meeting is very concerned about the feelings and thoughts of a loved one, it is important for them to understand each other and what he wants. The ability to decipher the expression saves them from unnecessary worries and headaches. These skills are necessary and spouses, especially in the first years of life together.

Try to feel others expressions    

3) When communicating with a teenager. Teens in Crisis - time alarms and misunderstandings, the grown children moving away from their parents and the past speculated, no idea what's going on in their heads.

4) When communicating with a baby or toddler, preschooler, which is difficult to explain my feelings. Especially worried young responsible parents, to which all the first time and little experience. Young mothers often tend to experience anxiety and doubt the correctness of their actions; they do not know what to newborn. Young fathers, if they are lucky to sit or walk with the baby face-to-wall, are in complete confusion, not knowing what it means to his facial expressions and behavior.

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