Dating with stranger from the chat in real life

Dating with stranger from the chat in real life

Very often, after a conversation with a stranger in a chat we have a sense of real intimacy. You feel that you have found someone who understands you and want to see him in real life.


Use common sense before dating in real life. Unfortunately, not every person who meets you in the chat is honest. We care about your safety, so have prepared a few tips.

  • It is not necessary to appoint a meeting in real life, if you don’t know the person enough.
  • Arrange an inspection. Find out the real name of the person and its accounts in social networks. Compare the person who people think chatting with who he really is.
  • Make an appointment, choose the only public places. Cafe or restaurant will be an excellent option. A lot of people should be around you.
  • Notify someone of your friends that you are planning a meeting. Give this person all the information: the time and place of the meeting, how long you plan to stay there.
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