How to cheer up after break up?

How to cheer up after break up?

Any disruption of the relationship, even now-fashionable "remain friends", brings a person considerable stress. At our cam chat blog have proposed a scheme of 12 steps for getting rid of "ghost" to end the relationship.

  • Step 1: A good analysis of the situation. Think about the true reasons for the gap. It will calm you, distract from the experience and will certainly be helpful in future relations.
  • Step 2: Do not give up your decision. Often the initiator of break up, remembering the happy moments, forget about the reasons for separation, and may well change his mind. This approach is obviously a dead end - after all the bad things are not going anywhere. A person usually thrown convinces himself that the partner would return, seeing his suffering. It's just a way to hide from problems. The fact that the gap should be aware of and take, only then you can safely move on.
  • Step 3. You are at a distance. Communication with the former lover as well as his friends and relatives should be kept to a minimum. Optionally completely break contacts - limit the communication need, as long as it will be uncomfortable.
  • Step 4: Feel! Feelings of guilt after a breakup are quite logical for each of the partners. It does not need to hide - again, to acknowledge and move on.
  • Step 5. Master the offenses. It is only natural that leaves a parting insult cake soul. Pay attention on it is a waste of time.
  • Step 6. Spend time with friends. Of course, you need support. A few hours crying in his vest true friends - and negative emotion is gone.
  • Step 7. Write down everything you think. At least for a couple of days, please create a personal diary. Describe your feelings and thoughts; try to write a song or poem. This "paper psychotherapy" will take a fresh look at which ended the relationship.
  • Step 8: Make a "negative list". "... The roses away, in the movie I did not drive ..." and other disadvantages for completed relations - to remember and record. And if you really want it, and even burn to a full bid farewell to the past.
  • Step 9. Lost one - found another. The new relationship will not have to wait long, if you're ready for them. Feel free. Tidy yourself, your wardrobe, your apartment. Anything's better than being killed by unrequited love.
  • Step 10. Stay away from the memories. "Our place", "our tune", "our dance" - all it pulls you back. Hide all memorabilia, delete photos, and update playlists. No contact with the past.
  • Step 11: Find a job. Fascinating hobby, movies, books, meeting friends, fun activities, travel, meet new people ... Life should be colorful, so did not have time to suffer.
  • Step 12. Activities - yes! Join a fitness club or to the gym, go walking, jogging in the morning. Physical activity kills the emotional fatigue and depression. If the road to fitness room or preparing for a walk seems impossible task, just do five sit-ups or half a minute shake the press? Right now, without delay. Even this is already done. Small goals are always easier to carry out.
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