6 ways to become happy together

6 ways to become happy together

Wake up dormant feelings or to create a solid foundation for a long and happy life? At any stage of a romantic relationship, rituals are helpful. Psychotherapists confirm that they really work. It is up to us!  Learn more with our blog and check out our video chat with strangers.

Have a weekend together outing in a secret place favorite park is an amazing idea; go for shopping in the mall, on the bike, or cook a gourmet meal... Every couple has their little pleasures that are nice to do together, to plan and wait impatiently, counting the days. We cannot give them a meaning, but they will eventually guard the senses. "Strong love is fueled by small everyday signs of attention, which has nothing to do with the" right "- emphasizes analyst Martin Shin. - They are motivated by a desire to continue the adventure, which constantly requires us sensitivity and inspiration. " The difference between a boring life and family rituals, he says, is that the way of life we have been forced to automatically and keep the tradition of free and informed consent. Life, filled with routine, losing its f fresh. Rituals serve as "emotional barometer", helping to maintain a sense of attachment. "Let the ritual will be enjoyable for both partners - emphasizes the psychologist Helen Carpenter. - There are couples in which one party imposes its preferences, and the second cannot abandon what is being done in the name of a good cause revitalize relations. " The main thing you have room for imagination. You can vary the life together, turning it into a fascinating game with its own rules, secrets, and rewards. Here are a few ideas that offer therapists. Have a great time with our chat with girls.

1. From the opportunity to spend evening together

Family therapists are sure: the more space in the relationship take daily care, the less remains for intimacy. "Of course, in the evening we often want to release the head and not think about nothing, - said analyst Anne-Marie Benoit. - But the habit of this "unloading" prevents two of them to be in touch. " Why do independently do not make lists of what you would like to do in the evening together? Record each idea on a separate piece of paper and remove them at random. Make it a rule to allocate the time that you can devote to each other. Play games, share impressions of the books they read, gossip - if only it would exercise for two, without extraneous. The goal is to create an intimate space, which will be entirely at your disposal. Why do independently do not make lists of what you would like to do in the evening together? Record each idea on a separate piece of paper and remove them at random. And you can take turns to hold each other surprises, developing a program in the evening.

2. Write letters

Cute postcard, sent by mail (the old-fashioned way, in a paper envelope with a stamp) or surreptitiously dropped into his coat pocket; note with adhesive edge, sticky on the working document; Currently, long letter ... will fit any shape, in which you can express your wishes to thank and share the discovery. The main thing is that these words came from the heart. These little letters say that the desire and the feeling of love are still alive and able to manifest. They help us to find or reconnect with a sense of love - always exciting and youthfully fresh. "In our culture, the ephemerality of handwritten words of love is perfect for an intimate, heartfelt communication - explains Anne-Marie Benoit. - It's good for self-esteem: as one who writes a love note, and the one who receives it."

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