10 Ways to be amazing

10 Ways to be amazing

1. DO NOT BE AFRAID failures

People sympathize with those who make mistakes. Researcher Elliot Aronson first discovered this when studied as simple errors and awkwardness interlocutor affect our perception. His research proved that the audience liked the answers of those who accidentally spilled the coffee or ice cream overturned. Learn more with our random chat blog.


Like attracts like. If you want to make friends, to try to find common ground and focus on them. According to a study by Theodore Newcomb (Theodore Newcomb), we attract those who are like us. In his experiment, Newcomb made people talk on controversial topics such as sex and politics. Naturally, participants were applauded by those who shared their views.

3. Accidental contact

Touching someone's back or arm, you can position yourself to the interlocutor. Leonard Mlodinow says in the book "(Neo) confessed. As the unconscious mind controls our behavior (Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior). He recalls the French experiment, in which two men were trying to get acquainted with a woman on the street. Both had the same chance to start a conversation with the lady, but the success expected of the one who managed to touch the hand of a woman. Want have some fun? Try our chat with girls online.

4. Smiling

Hundreds of students have shown four pictures of a girl. For them it was in different poses and with different expressions. Most students liked the photos on which she smiled. Another study proved that we remember best those who smiles at the first meeting.

5. Try to see MAN as he wants to appear

People want to be seen as they see themselves. This phenomenon is called self-theory. Studies show that when people's opinion of us is built in line with our own performance, our relationship with them proceed more smoothly. We feel that we understand, and that is an important component of intimacy.

6. The share secrets

Secrets pull together. Arthur Aron held at the University of Stony Brook experiment: he broke the students into pairs and gave a list of questions, among which were common, and very personal: someone got a question about the relationship with her mother, and someone - a favorite food. Those who respond to personal questions become closer with his interlocutor.


The Harvard Magazine article Amy Cuddy writes: "If you think about someone is bad, it will behave toward him so that he will only confirm your opinion." On the other hand, if you expect good things, you will see more evidence that this is so.

8. Show your sympathy

Psychologists are aware of the effect of mutual sympathy - when we think that we have someone who loves, we begin to love him in return. Remember the popular scenario of love movies when the hero discovers that someone like the blossoms on the eyes and begins to sympathize in response.

9. LET interlocutors talk about them

Most of all people love to talk about themselves and their feelings. Allow the other person to talk about his life, not your - and it will be only positive memories of communicating with you.

10. USE humor

Scientists from the University of Illinois and the University of California in Los Angeles, confirmed that the sense of humor is important moreover, the absence of off-putting. People rarely like moralists.

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