WHERE departures my love INVESTMENTS?

WHERE departures my love INVESTMENTS?

Love triangle - is always unhealthy structure. He points to a problem in a relationship. If all is well in the dyad, the third element is not required, but just could not fit into this system. "You can seduce a man, who has a wife. You can seduce a man who has a mistress. Check out our free random cam chats. But you cannot seduce a man who has loved a woman "(Omar Khayyam). Betrayal arises when paired something goes wrong. Then the triangle allows you to restore the balance - it is necessary, as a crutch lame. And it happens for two reasons: 1. If the pair something is missing, then one of the partners is starting to get something on the side. And he does not always understand - what it is. infidelity is often attributed to sexual dissatisfaction in marriage, but in reality it is - a myth cover. And due to the side of the men most often pushes the ... lack of respect! If you want something new – try roulette chat with girls.

Man can forgive, if a woman does not love. But he will never forgive, if a woman does not respect ... The lack of recognition of their dignity, power, and authority within the family encourages a man to where he is receiving. Admiration - this is the main advantage of a mistress. For women it is important recognition of its attractiveness and emotional connection. Lack of attention pushes the woman into the arms of the one who will give it attention.  The pair is no place to place something important. Most often it is certain experiences, condition. And first of all - anger, which cannot show a partner: what if he rejects? Then these feelings begin to broadcast a foreign object, it is included in the relationship as a third element and balances system.

The love triangle is not possible to transfer the partner investment in full.

 HOBBIES help in geometry triangles are different. Different they are in love. Speaking of that, the pair appeared "odd man out", we mean, first, man. But modern technology dictates a different fashion, charming men charms of computer games. Tired of routine? Try webcam chat! Yes, it is a computer often becomes the protagonist of modern love triangles, replacing the stronger sex, many other interests. What women? There are many options: active rest, to give a variety of sexual life, or come up with a new hobby. You can even play in your computer. The main thing - do it all alone!

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